Friday, February 1, 2008

Last month we did some work determining what our dreams were. This month we are going to explore some ways to be successful in achieving those dreams!
These tips come from:
The Success Principles
Your 30 day journey from where you are to where you want to be.
~ Jack Canfield and Janet Switzer

The first chapter is titled:
Take Responsibility for Your Life with E+R=O

Bob Resnick taught this formula and it basically states the every Outcome we experience in life is a direct result of how we Respond to an individual Event that occurs.

You can use this formula as your primary rule for guiding you towards your successful life. How? By taking responsibility and changing our response to events that happen in our life.


You come into some extra money, say $500.

Response 1: You go out and spend it
Outcome 1: You are broke

Response 2: You pay down a credit card
Outcome 2: Your credit rating goes up, your monthly bill goes down and you still have your $500.

Response 3: You invest it in your retirement fund
Outcome 3: You get a tax advantage, your net worth just went up, hopefully you will earn even more on your money.

You see, the event in your life has stayed the same, however based on your response, you have changed the outcome of the situation. Your response and your response alone to random events will give you either advancement towards your goals or regret over what could have been.

How many times have you reacted in fear or "I can't" when opportunity came knocking on your door? Or failed to recognise the opportunity disguised within a negative situation? Successful people look for ways to transform that negative situation into an opportunity for success - they respond differently. How do I get better at this? I want to turn coal into diamonds! Read on...

First, you have to stop blaming the Event on the Outcome. These are the "if onlys..." You know you've done it "If only traffic weren't so bad", "If only so and so had done this or that....", "If only we had a better economy". Stop blaming and complaining!!!

You are only complaining because you know there is something better. Think about it, people who stay in bad situations rarely complain - they don't know anything better.
But people who complain know there are better situations out there than the one they are in. Why do they stay? It's easier and less risky to just stay where they are and complain about it than to actually do something about it.

To get out of any situation, to improve your life you must take 100% responsibility and do something different. Most of the time we know in advance when something isn't right or a negative event is about to occur. We receive tell tale signs, hear comments from others, have gut feelings or just use plain old instinct. We can't change negative events, but we can respond differently to them. Successful people don't wait for disaster and then blame something or someone else for the outcome. They respond in time, keep things from going too far. You can do this too - by facing the facts squarely, accepting them for what they are "facts", doing the uncomfortable and taking steps to change the outcome.
Take responsibility. "You alone have the responsibility to make something happen in your life, whether you actively create it or passively allow it to happen or continue. This goes for outcomes that are both good and bad" (Success Principles Workbook pg10)

Once you start recognizing and responding decisively to signals, warnings and events as they occur, you will begin to feel more in control and less hopeless. You start to realize that you ARE in control of your destiny.

See you next month with more....